The SSDC started in August of 2007 with about 5 players. In the Fall of that year we became
a Satellite group of the NGFDA and our membership grew. In the Winter of 2008 we began offering FREE Lessons and making loaner
instruments available for those wanting to try out the Mountain Dulcimer. Summer of '08 several of us played at our first
GIG (a luncheon at the Perry Tearoom).
Our 2nd year has been one growth. We've added at least 4 new members new to the dulcimer. We've had several
opportunities to play in the area: GA National Fair, American Legion Pancake Breakfast, Mossy Creek, The Jug Fest, Wedding
Reception, UMW Circle Meetings, and area Assisted Living Facilities. We're excited about 2009-2010.
Our 3rd year has started as a busy one. Several of us attended the Red Top Mountain JAM this past Fall and had
a great time. Our numbers continue to grow as new members come on board. We've been very busy in October and November
playing at the GA National Fair, American Legion Pancake Breakfast, Mossy Creek, The Fall Festival at Centerville 1st UMC, Oakland
Baptist Church Homecoming, and the Galleria Mall. Looking ahead we are looking to compile a new TAB book for our
club and the opportunity of host a workshop this Spring in March. More to come....
Our 4th year has been a great one. Some of our activities: performing at the Centerville Fall Festival, Playing
for the Perry Players presentation of "The Homecoming", a January workshop with Neal Walters followed by performance by he
and Coleen, and JAMMin at the JUG Fest in Knoxville, GA in the Spring.